Christmas at the Academy

What a full-on 6 weeks we have had prepping for ISTD exams and of course Christmas fun week!

Christmas week at dance class is always a time to sing, dance, eat chocolate and do lots of fun choreography, games and secret Santa. We also worked hard preparing for Jazz exams on the 12th December with some amazing results ranging from 75 to 99% , all the hard work really paid off. We had some very happy pupils.

The Academy staff managed to have their Christmas staff night out but without Miss Toni and Miss Joanna, sadly we are all still battling Covid restrictions!

Miss Fleur and all the staff want to thank all the FEAD families for the beautiful thoughtful presents and cards we received for Christmas. They were all very much appreciated.

Term starts back on TUESDAY 4th JANUARY 2022 and we are looking forward to returning and continuing to prep for a big ISTD exam session of 5 days around February half term.

And some very exciting news; it’s SHOW YEAR!!!! Whoooo, we know lots of people will be very much looking forward to performing again.

Put these dates in your diary; 12th June, dress rehearsal and 18th & 19th June SHOW DAYS!!!


2022 A New Year!


Lots Going On! November 2021